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Inspiration, Miniatures, Outdoor games, Tales of Gaming -

Camps are a great way to experience new things. As a kid, you are thrown out of your comfort zone and sent off into the world without your parents. It can be, at the least, intimidating and a little nerve wracking at first. Soon you realize that everyone else is in the same boat and you find yourself quickly making new friends and having the greatest summer vacation ever. As an adult, being a summer camp counsellor is a challenging experience as well, for very different reasons! Despite the setbacks of the COVID-19 pandemic or maybe because of them, I...

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Inspiration, Storytelling -

When the warlocks hold the keys to the gates of new unexplored worlds, it’s up to you to find a way to unlock these hidden treasures and the knowledge that you know is at arms’ reach, if only the harpies and trolls were not such a constant distraction. While this introduction could aptly summarize a fantasy tabletop game situation, it is also a pertinent observation on how modern technology has a tendency to serve us only the content that it assumes we want or need. The good news is that, just like adventurers in a game of Dungeons & Dragons,...

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Inspiration, Role Playing, Storytelling, Tales of Gaming -

Remembering what it was like to be a kid can be easy for some and more of an intense exercise for others. I am not only referring to one’s ability to recall memories or the activities they indulged in their childhood but also to remembering what it felt like when the world was still a small, mysterious and abstruse place. As adults, we all have the ability to play. As tabletop gamers, we have realized that playing make believe is second nature. It’s like doing improv theatre, only much easier, and more fun. You also don’t have to worry about doing it...

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Books, Inspiration, Storytelling -

“Bystanders were enjoying the performance and their cheers doubled when the band started another tune. Each of its members demonstrated an exceptional mastery of their respective instruments. Next to the drummer, a middle aged ogre, stood a frail elven woman whose gentle voice seemed to fill the great hall. Agatha looked around and felt truly enchanted by this uniquely odd place. For a while, she forgot about her weariness and the perilously long trip that had brought her here, to Snowkeep, to find the storyteller. Jerrik. At the Golden Bear. She hadn't forgotten, she only merely strayed off, for an...

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Books, Inspiration, Role Playing, Tales of Gaming -

While on tabletop gaming adventures, the actions we take and the way we resolve encounters, conflicts or other situations requires the use of directives that help us determine their outcome. Depending on the game or the way we play, they can be interpreted loosely, as guidelines, or strictly, to the letter. Regardless of how they are applied, the word we use to describe them feels constrictive and stiff: rules. As you may well know, this means they can, or are meant to, be broken. But before you do that, you should always make sure you learn said rules and fortunately,...

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