Storytelling RSS
Avatars and our need to visualize the imaginary
When we play tabletop games, we often take roles. It’s a necessity with games like Dungeons & Dragons or Call of Cthulhu. It’s a tool for better immersion in board games. Artwork and graphic design are major contributors to helping players visualize the situations they find themselves in during the course of the game. While our imagination takes care of creating a believable experience, this process is guided by the look and feel of the physical components of the game. Abstract games in the vein of card games like Skip-Bo or dice games like Yahtzee do not need fancy artwork...
My adventures in Middle-Earth
For anyone who knows me or follows this blog, it will be no secret that J.R.R. Tolkien’s work has had a certain impact on my interpretation of all things fantasy. There are many artists, writers and creators who have guided my own development as a fan but also as an artist and a storyteller in my own right. My journeys in the lands of Arda started around the age of 10 when I first read The Hobbit. I discovered a whole new world full of wonders, that I could vividly visualize through the words of the author. Yet, my vision...
Here be dragons
Fearsome and often depicted as bringers of dread, dragons have played a big part in bringing fantasy worlds to life. From Tolkien’s Smaug to Dungeons & Dragons's chromatic and coloured species, they can be at the heart of an adventure or be used as looming threat that never comes into the limelight.But for many - myself included -, dragons have been, literally, the stuff of legends for much longer than fantasy has officially existed as a genre. They have been part of myth and folklore the world over, for centuries. Before concentrating on the European varieties and how they have...