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Inspiration, Role Playing, Tales of Gaming -

Ever wondered how a real tabletop role-playing game rules expert goes about running his games? Do you think there is a rite of passage to become a great game master? From the outside, looking in, the role of GM (or DM if you play Dungeons & Dragons) can seem like the most complicated pastime ever. Fortunately, it becomes a lot simpler once you start and, to be frank, we've all been beginners at something before. As intimidating as it might seem, the only way to learn is by doing, even though some days will be more glorious than others. You...

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Beginner's guide, Role Playing -

For many players, beginners or seasoned, discovering new horizons can be a challenge. But fortunately, our hobby’s landscape has more to offer than meets the eye. It isn’t always easy to see past the giants ruling over the modern world of pen and paper games. Many assume that the only game to play is Dungeons & Dragons. You could go as far as saying that some people think tabletop role-playing games and D&D are one and the same. And while Dungeons & Dragons is indeed the most widely played and popular role-playing game out there, said games are not just...

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Trade Show -

Last Sunday, I tabled my first convention. It was a small local affair, nothing like the madness of larger events such as HalCon or giant cons like Gen Con or Comic-Con. Yet, I felt compelled to do my very best to make the most of it and to make a genuine and lasting impression. Join me this month, for a different type of journey, one where I learnt more about my city, my art and myself.

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Beginner's guide, Inspiration, Role Playing, Tales of Gaming -

For anyone who has experienced playing tabletop role-playing games, it will come as no surprise that no two gaming groups play alike. This is largely attributed to the fact that rules in RPGs are only there to guide players and help resolve the outcome of certain situations. How the majority of games are run will depend on the Game Master’s (GM) and the players’ play style. The other defining factor is the adventure itself: is the GM running a published module or did he create a campaign from scratch in a world of his own creation? Let’s look at the...

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Board gaming, Role Playing, Storytelling -

When we play tabletop games, we often take roles. It’s a necessity with games like Dungeons & Dragons or Call of Cthulhu. It’s a tool for better immersion in board games. Artwork and graphic design are major contributors to helping players visualize the situations they find themselves in during the course of the game. While our imagination takes care of creating a believable experience, this process is guided by the look and feel of the physical components of the game. Abstract games in the vein of card games like Skip-Bo or dice games like Yahtzee do not need fancy artwork...

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