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Art Life, Beginner's guide, Cartography, Role Playing -

In the tabletop world, the use of cartography is often inherent to running the game. Many boardgames use them as their main playing arena or to situate the contestants as they work their way to some form of victory. In role-playing games, maps are essential tools for the Game Master. They allow him to plan the adventure, determine where events are to take place or how the adventuring party will get to their destination. Depending on the game you play, battle maps can also be tied to an essential aspect of the game: encounters! When purchasing and running a published...

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Cartography, Inspiration, Role Playing, Storytelling -

It is almost mid-day and so far, it has been a quiet morning. In fact, the last few months have been rather slow. Winter is at the doorstep as the festival of golds, reds, ochres and bright greens came to an abrupt end a little while back. In the workshop, wood gently crackles in the fireplace. At his drafting table, the voyager reflects on journeys past, as he takes a sip of lukewarm tea. For the first time this week, the sun pierces through the clouds and the diamond shaped windows of his modest workplace. An instant later, as the...

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Books, Cartography, Inspiration, Storytelling -

For anyone who knows me or follows this blog, it will be no secret that J.R.R. Tolkien’s work has had a certain impact on my interpretation of all things fantasy. There are many artists, writers and creators who have guided my own development as a fan but also as an artist and a storyteller in my own right. My journeys in the lands of Arda started around the age of 10 when I first read The Hobbit. I discovered a whole new world full of wonders, that I could vividly visualize through the words of the author. Yet, my vision...

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